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PQG Member Benefits

Monthly Meetings

PQG holds two monthly meetings.  Our meeting place is at the Family Baptist Church, 5454 Mobile Hwy. Pensacola, FL 32526. See the Events Calendar for specific dates, times and program information.

    • Agenda
      • Meeting called to order
      • Committee Reports
      • Recognition of Birthdays
      • Members' Show and Share
      • Program - The program varies and may include a member led demonstration, trunk show, or guest presentation.
Day Group meets the 4th Thursday

of the month, 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Doors open at 9:00 am for socializing and member activities as needed.

Night Group meets the 4th Tuesday 

of the month, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Doors open at 5:30 pm for socializing and member activities as needed.

The meeting dates are adjusted in November and December to accommodate the holidays.

Program Chairs - Patti Struck and Cena Harmon


PQG holds several workshops each year presented by nationally known quilting experts. Pre-registration is required for attendance. The amount of the registration fee may vary and is based on the costs associated with the workshop. Scheduled workshop information may be found on the Events page.

For more information contact - Marcia Dumas, Chairperson

Share Our Skills

Share Our Skills are small group instructions taught by a PQG member. Only current PQG members are eligible to participate. Attendees are enrolled on a first-come, first-registered basis. The member instructor will set the location, time and number of attendees for their session. Class kit fee may apply and are paid directly to the instructor. Scheduled session information may be found on the Events page.

For more information contact - Judy Walker , Chairperson

PQG Library

PQG has an extensive library of books and other materials related to quilting available for member checkout at no cost. Materials may be checked out and returned during monthly Guild meetings. Failing to return materials in a timely manner may result in a fine and/or library privileges being revoked. Members may review the list of books in the library by logging in to the website and going to the Guild Information - Guild Archives page.

For more information contact - Marcy Reese, Library Chairperson

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