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Membership is open to all persons who have an interest in quilts and who pay the annual dues assessed by the Guild.  Membership is required for further attendance after attending two meetings as a guest.

To Join or Renew your membership follow the prompts below.  If you prefer to pay with a check or cash, print the form, complete and send to the membership Chairperson by mail or at the next guild meeting.

Annual renewals will begin on Nov. 1st and must be completed by Jan. 31st for the new membership year (Jan. - Dec.).  New members joining in Nov. or Dec. will be accepted and applied immediately for the end of the current year and will include the upcoming membership year.

Membership Form

Any Questions? Contact: Cena Harmon

PQG Member - $25.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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