Location: Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds
6655 Mobile Highway, Pensacola, Florida
Contact: Show Chairperson - Sandra Smith
PQG sponsors a judged quilt show which is open to the public showcasing quilts made by current PQG members. The Quilt Show is a biennial event held in odd years (i.e. 2023, 2025). Judging is provided by a member of the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ). Ribbons are awarded in a variety of categories determined prior to registration. In addition, special ribbons are given to the "Best of Show", "Viewer's Choice", "Judge's Choice", "Judge's Recognitions", and the "Meticulous Workmanship Award" winning quilts.
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Quilt Show Committee
Show Chairpersons: Sandy Smith, Chair; Sharon Duke, Cindy Swan, Co-chairs
Ads/Ribbon Sponsors: Carol Marszalek
Boutique: Allison Owens, Linda Marvil & Barb Hoekstra
Catalog Editors: Sandy Smith, Carol Marszalek
Catalog Proofreaders: Lisa Lavoie, Marcia Dumas - Catalog Printing: Carol Marszalek
- Community Quilts: Carolyn Baker, Laura Porritt
- Demonstrations: TBD
- Door Prizes: Diane Carson
- Food Truck: TBD
- General Information/Rules: Cena Harmon, Charlotte Hinds
- Graphic Design/Printing: Cindy Schober, Teresa Spencer, Judy Walker
- Hospitality: Vernell Savage, Michele Hawkins
- Insurance: Sharon Duke
- Judging: Patti Struck
- Judge "Wrangler": Sharon Schack
- Opportunity Quilt: Sharon Duke, Cindy Swan, Sandy Smith Dorothy Bare
- Opportunity Quilt Ticket Sales: Kristy Furr
- Quilt Nanny: Kristy Furr, Karen Gardner, Pam White
- Photography: Patti Struck
- Publicity: Cindy Schober, Teresa Spencer
- Quilt Check In: Karen Williamson, Jill Paulsen
- Quilt Check out: Judy Pinkston, JoAnn McKeithan
- Registration: Cena Harmon, JoAnn McKeithan, Connie Terry, Kandi McDonald
- Ribbons & Awards: Sandy Hill, Marcia Dumas, Sandy Smith
- Ribbon (Meticulous Workmanship): Karen Williamson
- Ribbon solicitations (3 C's): Sharon Duke
- Secretary: Debbie Allen, Debra Burger
- Serendipity Auction: Diane Carson, Herbie Morin, Vernell Savage
- Show Admissions: Patty Sheldon, Pam Douglas
- Show set up & Staging: Terri Schisler
- Special exhibits: Karen Gutzeit
- Staffing: Linda Richardson, Barbara Doster
- Treasurer: Bobbi Nichol, Connie Terry
- T-shirts: Suzie McDaniel, Connie Terry, Pam Douglas
- Vendors: Susan Kenyon, Cheryl Rivenbark
- Vendor Lunches: Amy Weyburn, Sylvia Maxwell
- Venue Admissions: chair is TBD; Patty Sheldon, Pam Douglas
- Viewer's Choice: Diane Carson, Vernell Savage
- Website: Cena Harmon, Lisa Lavoie